For your next winter adventure, you might want to consider camping without tent moreover tent can be weighty, fragile and expensive also this talk about tent, how to get a good tent, how to be safe in a tent e.t.c.
Why not consider camping without tent in one of these winter days, it sounds crazy right? Well, not for people like me that are crazy about adventure and want to always try new things, there is actually no fun in the doing the same thing all the time and expect different experience.
Overcome your phobia and worry, for trying new things, even though is not conventional and thereby conquer your normal routine of camping with tent by adopting one or two of these alternative ways.
Alternative Ways to Camp Without a Tent in Winter

1. Get a Bivy Sacks
Bivvy sacks is a magnificent alternative to tent even in winter, in fact, is without doubt a quick and easy way to into the snow. It is light weight, has a durable floor, weather protection, suitable for breathing and allows the letting in of air as well as the release of moisture.
So get a bivvy snack suitable for weather and constitute these aforementioned qualities.
On the flip side, bivvy sack is primarily made for a single person and that means there is no really much fun with your partner, no playing of cards, no intimate gist or other pleasurable activities. It also cannot fight intense wind, however, with a snow cave, you are good to go.
2. Tarp

You can as well combine your bivvy with a winter tarp. It has the capability to cater for group or family, for maximum enjoyment and fun, before hitting the longer night of winter period.
However, the tarp can be compromised due to the load of snow or strong wind, but do not fret, you are still pretty safe. And that is the reason you should bury the sides of your tarp in the snow.
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3. Dig a Simple Shelter Walls
I believe you will be going with your shovel and related equipments- because, you will do some digging.
Dig yourself a dog house with the height above your height and the width, wider than yours, for easy accessibility and to prevent the wall from collapsing.
Cut blocks of snow with your snow saw, then arrange the blocks flat, side to side over a long pit, a little bit wider than your width and you can as well tilt the arrangement, the tilted arrangement will offer you not just a horizontal surface to lie or sleep but also a sitting position.
The construction shouldn’t take much time though; it depends on the structure of the snow. You can as well burrow a wind drift, in fact is faster this way.
You can also carve out a hollow in the size of your sleeping bag or bivy, better still; dig a snow pit and covered it with a 5 by 10 siltarp.
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Last Updated on February 24, 2022 by Sean
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